2010年6月21日 星期一

The origin of SUPERSTITION

Written by Sasha

Belief is the origin of people’s thoughts and behaviors. The word “belief” here means not only religions but also the psychological state which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true. The sources of belief are many but not conflict with each other. For instance, people may adopt the beliefs from an enchanting leader’s opinions or from a primary advertising industry which repeats certain images again and again, even those beliefs are not in their own self-interest or against all the previous beliefs. Besides, people tend to internalize the concepts around us and we are easy to be influenced by parents, the society or the majority. Belief is an important supporter and comforter in everyone’s life and it brings people the freedom and fortitude.

However, some people consider their beliefs as the absolutely correct concepts and can’t accept any other different opinions; some customs which are reasonable because of the past environment or culture, are passed down generation to generation without being adapted to modern society; some governors, merchants or groups “introduce” certain beliefs which profit them. All these reasons cause superstition.

Actually in the past, the word “superstition” is neuter and indicates the situation when someone believes certain concepts firmly instead of the negative intents we use today. Nowadays, we use “superstition” to describe someone trust in a concepts or theory without advanced knowledge and realization about what they believe. The word implies blind believing.

Moreover, the word “superstition” can be used in every field because, theoretically, people may indulge themselves in variety kinds of beliefs. Even though in the extent of modern technology and science, which often used by people to break superstitions, there are rooted concepts which can be referred to the co-called superstition.

Beliefs should bring people freedom, fortitude and comfort originally, however, they leads to superstitions which are totally opposite to them. Nevertheless, superstitions are not all harmful and some of them are even very interesting and become specialties in a culture.


