2010年6月20日 星期日

Social Taboos in Europe

Written by Adrian

Taboos are different from places to places and can be changed by the movement of time. Also, some things regard as taboos is not necessary in other culture. If you do not know those taboo before, you may be made fun of. Next are some taboos find in Europe.

1. Toss the glass
In Hungary, they never toss the glass before they drink the wine, since the factor of history. Some Austria once toss their glasses after they killed lots of Hungary people. Therefore, this tradition is presented even to todays.

2. The gesture of “V”
In British, if you do the gesture of V with your hand face inside, it seems as a aggressive meaning. The origin of the taboo comes from the Hundred Years War, because at that time the France declared to cut all British’s finger which uses to shot an arrow.

3. Kiss manner
In British, all the train’s passengers are not allowed to kiss or linger at the train station. Instead, you can do those things to a particular area.

4.Visiting Church
When you are going to the church in Italy, remember to wear long-sleeved t-shirt and long pants/skirt. Even during the hot weather, all visitors no matter women or men should not allow to wear short pants and the clothes without sleeves.

5.Sending Flowers
In Ukraine, you should make sure you have bunches of odd numbers, since even numbers are used in the funeral. Except this, you should notice the type of the flower before you sending out, because each flower has different meaning.

In Greek, if you over exaggerated the things and give too many praises may intrigue the host.


